Complete Flight was designed with the pilot in mind. We’ve simplified the process of recording Part 135 documentation, allowing pilots to quickly and intuitively file manifests, duty logs and risk forms from right inside the cockpit. Reporting is fast, thorough, and less prone to errors.
Organized for Operators
Complete Flight helps organize and manage Part 135 documentation. When a pilot completes their report, the paperwork is automatically cataloged in a single database, allowing Operations Directors easy access to the information. Remaining Part 135 just got a lot easier.
Part 135 Compliant and Beyond
Whether you operate a single aircraft or a large fleet, Complete Flight is designed to give you detailed insight into your organization. With meaningful data at your fingertips, Complete Flight does more than help keep you Part 135 compliant – it keeps you on top of your operations.
Call us today to learn more – 605-368-1430
Part 135
Electronic Flight Bag and Electronic Record Keeping features designed to help keep you compliant.
Loaded with Features
Duty Logs, Manifesting, W&B, Flight Risk Forms, OCC Dispatch Control, Maintenance and More.
Use Anywhere
From desktop to smartphones. Native iPad app allows off line access & functionality.
Powerful Reports
All your data in one place. Pull reports for flight history, pilot currency, and more.
Take The Tour
This video walks you through a pilot's interaction with Complete Flight.
Complete Flight makes it easy for pilots to complete their most common tasks – saving time, reducing errors, and streamlining the workflow of Part 135 paperwork.
The Most Complete OCC Solution Available
Complete Flight’s OCC module was specifically built to help meet the requirements of FAA AC 120-96A. Our module allows the OCC to quickly and easily countersign risk forms, as well as monitor pilot currency and aircraft maintenance status, monitor open flights, enter and log routes and utilize enhanced communications between the communications center, OCC and the pilot.
Helps Meet FAA OCC Requirements
- Countersign risk forms
- Create flight requests
- Review aircraft status and pilot currency
- Pilots can easily review flight plans on mobile device
- Chat interface connects OCC with Comm Center and pilots
- Track response times
- Streamlined interface for busy operation control centers
- See souls on board and available fuel
Case Study
Metro Aviation | OCC In action
Metro Aviation operates more than 120 air medical aircraft across the country. With an average of 230 flight requests each day, the company’s Operational Control Center (OCC) is a constant hub of activity. Learn how Metro Aviation utilizes Complete Flight in their OCC.